New schedule this season:
June 2, 2015 - September 29, 2015
4:00 - 8:00pm
Check back later in the spring for a list of vendors!
Rules of the market:
Make it or grow it.
No third party sales accepted.
for vendor applications.
Vendors must be approved by
Hamilton-Lauraville Main Street.
Downloading an application does not guarantee
a space at the market.
Acceptance of your application will be confirmed through email.
Please be sure to list your email clearly on the application.
Regina - 410.319.7150
Make it or grow it.
No third party sales accepted.
for vendor applications.
Vendors must be approved by
Hamilton-Lauraville Main Street.
Downloading an application does not guarantee
a space at the market.
Acceptance of your application will be confirmed through email.
Please be sure to list your email clearly on the application.
Regina - 410.319.7150