There are those who despise the taste, smell, and texture of tomatoes... and then there are those, like me, who count down the days until that wonderful summer afternoon when tomato season arrives in full force.
I am happy to report that that day has most certainly arrived!

Stop by Hamilton Heirlooms tomorrow to try, none other but, their collection of Heirloom tomatoes. Their selection will be increasing with the season, so make sure to stop by each week for a different variety!

Hamilton Heirlooms great tshirt that Lynn Dodds and son, John Michael, created when they weren't hard at work on their tomato plants.
For those of you who aren't as interested in tomatoes, perhaps you will take an interest in where your sweet honey comes from, and the precious bee population that creates it.
Check out this publication that was put together in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service and Pollination Partnership Publication:

Thank you Sunnyside Farm for your wonderful honey, hard work, and the sharing of Bee information! Sunnyside can be found at the Tuesday Market in Lauraville, as well as at The Charles Street Friday Market and numerous other locations around Maryland and Pennsylvania.
Also in exciting social media news Hamilton Lauraville Main Street (@HLMS) has decided to enter the world of twitter! Follow us for up to date information involving the market and other exciting events in the area!