As there is currently no massive rain storms, flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, or tornados on the forecast for tomorrow... don't forget to come stop by the market and pick up those late summer vegetables that will soon be replaced with mountains of apples, winter squash, and pumpkins.

Peppers and Eggplants from Zahradka Family Farm
There seems to be a never ending supply of eggplants in my kitchen this summer. Believe me, I am by no means complaining! Ratatouille (No, not the adorable rat-chef movie), Baba Ganoush, Eggplant Parmesan, Roasted Eggplant, Grilled Eggplant, Eggplant Pizza (both as a topping and as a crust substitute), Eggplant salads, the list is never ending for the amount of eggplant dishes I have eaten and prepared this summer.
Recently, I came across a Roasted Eggplant Soup recipe. I have yet to try it, but it is on my list to create this week after I gather up even more eggplants from the market. What a great way to ease into fall with a hearty eggplant soup.
[WARNING: I may have just been attracted to the beautiful photographs in the roasted eggplant soup recipe. I'll let you know how it actually turns out!]
What are some of your favorite eggplant recipes?

A recent eggplant ratatouille concoction from my large collection of eggplant dishes
For those of you who may not know, this week (September 12th-16th) is Maryland Homegrown School Lunch Week! So make sure that your kids have their fair share of fresh, local, and healthy goods from none other, but the market. Also to take note - Maryland is the ONLY state in the country that has 100% participation from all of its public school systems! Continue to keep your kids well feed through the school year by visiting your farmers market.

A great group of people, of all ages, enjoying the offerings of the market
Also, look at what people are saying about the Tuesday Market:
"Fresh, local, friendly. No pressure, just a great place to spend the evening"
Come stop by and see what they are talking about.
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